Repairing is a necessary skill for making a sustainable future
Paikka Paikka drives real world impact
We buy, use and throw away items at an ever increasing speed. Of the 100 billion garments produced each year, 92 million tonnes end up in landfills. That's the equivalent of a rubbish truck full of clothes ending up in landfill every second. It is hard to downplay the environmental damage we are causing.
Paikka Paikka is a service for people and brands to have the necessary tools and know-how to repair everyday objects. Through physical and online spaces, guidance, tools, and a social community around repair, our aim to make throw-away culture a thing of the past.
Paikka Paikka - The Repair Society -
Paikka Paikka - The Repair Society -
As individuals we have power. As a community, we have a collective strength to drive change.
We offer services and places where people are given the means, tools, and a supportive community to mend broken clothes, objects, and other items.
What problems are we solving
Climate change creates anxiety.
The best treatment for anxiety is to take action. Each item you mend contributes to minimize the pollution and waste. And as a by-product mending benefits the mental wellbeing knowing that your actions does matter.
Tackling the overconsumption
By simply buying less and focusing on maintaining and repairing the clothes and items you already know, has a great impact. Start by becoming aware of your consumption habits.
Benefits, benefits, benefits
Saving money by repairing and not buying new items.
Mending and creating reduces anxiety and has therapeutic value
Builds confidence that will lead to bolder actions and mental growth
Seeing how own actions have an individual & collective impact. Gives peace of mind.
Belonging to a movement that does good